Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Day 24 Lead, SD to Custer, SD

When we left Lead this morning, it was pretty chilly.  I actually had to wear a jacket, which is okay.  If the morning starts out cool, maybe it won't be too hot by the afternoon.  (It wasn't!)

Several miles outside of Lead, we saw Abe!  It seemed so random to be riding along, and all of a sudden see a big presidential head appear in the forest next to the road.

Apparently, 43 of our presidents have been for sale.  I'm glad to know that Obama (president #44) is above that.

We rode up and down hills in really pretty countryside, part of the Black Hills National Forest.

Cows like to watch us as we ride by.

Our first water stop was in the tiny town (more like an intersection) of Rochford.  The saloon wasn't open, but the "Small of America" is a really cute little store.

Then came the worst part of the day.  10.4 miles on a gravel road, and it was made even more difficult by the fact that there were hills (up and down).  It was really not fun at all.

Barb and Kelly are attempting to make their way on the gravel.

Most of the time, I was looking a few feet ahead, so that I could find the smoothest part of the road.  This was my view most of the time.

The area was very pretty, but I would've enjoyed it much more if I'd been on pavement.  (Or not on my bike!)

Finally, the pavement resumed!  After spending a couple hours riding on gravel, it felt so smooth!

We rode by the Deerfield Reservoir.

And, our lunch stop was on the other side of the reservoir.  Here's Shuli, one of the Cycle America support staff who keeps us so well-fed at the lunch stops.  She's made some amazing soups, salads, and other treats.

This was one of the views in the afternoon.

We got a view of the Crazy Horse Monument on our way into the town of Custer.  They've been working on it since the 1940s, and it probably will not be completed in my lifetime.  It was pretty far away.  It's much bigger than it looks here.

We're staying at Custer High School, in Custer, SD.  I decided to stay in my tent tonight.

When I did the Big Ride in 2008, we had a terrible head wind as we rode into Rapid City.  Both yesterday and today have been really windy.  Is South Dakota always windy?  I have the rest of this week and part of next week to find out.

Oh, and I do NOT like riding on gravel!

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