Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Day 18 Riverton, WY to Worland, WY

Today's elevation profile looked good:  mostly downhill, and the projected head winds didn't happen, until later.  The ride wasn't nearly as difficult as I'd feared.  In fact, most of it was pretty easy.

The ride out of Riverton was through sagebrush desert, with mountains in the distance.

This is a view of Boysen Reservoir.  (Every time I saw that name, I wondered if it was the same guy who invented boysenberries.  Probably not, but I don't know.)

More views of the early morning road.

The highlight of the day was the ride through Wind River Canyon.  It was a 12-mile ride, mostly downhill, and it was absolutely beautiful.

Below, you may be able to see the entrance to a tunnel.  There were three small tunnels that we rode through.

The rocks were spectacular!

After leaving the canyon, we had our lunch stop, and then we rode through beautiful country with red rocks.

We passed through the town of Thermopolis, best known for their hot springs, which they claim are the largest in the world.

I love the contrasting colors of the rocks, sky, dried grass, and irrigated fields.

This part of Wyoming reminds me a lot of Eastern Washington.  It's sagebrush desert, but where it's irrigated, there are crops and farms.

After about mile 60, the wind picked up.  It was a really strong cross wind that felt like it was going to push me off my bike.  It was a little scary riding.  Fortunately, a while later the road turned, and we had a nice tail wind.

There were quite a few farms on our way to Worland. These horses were looking at me, until some other cyclists rode up.  I lost their attention.

We now in the town of Worland, which is bigger than I expected.  In fact, its population is bigger than its elevation, which in Wyoming, means it's a good-sized town.  We had dinner at Firenze, a great Italian restaurant in town.  The food was great, and they treated us very well.  Stop by, if you're ever in Worland.

The temperatures on this ride have been pretty favorable.  We haven't had too much really hot weather, only one day of rain, and for the most part, the winds haven't been too bad.  I hope our weather luck continues!

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