Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Day 4 Grand Coulee to Spokane

The great thing about the end of yesterday's ride was the screaming downhill into Grand Coulee.  There's only one bad thing about that:  What goes down must go up.

This morning started with a screaming uphill.  My thighs were the ones screaming, "Don't make us do this again!  We don't like it.  We don't like YOU."

I'm the boss of them, though, so I made them keep pedaling.

So we climbed out of Grand Coulee, and passed by Lake Roosevelt.  It was a beautiful view and an excuse to get off the bike for a few minutes.

Barb and me

There were some great views along the 5 mile climb.

When we got to the top, we could see the "ribbon of highway" and "the endless skyway."  And, in the distance you may be able to see the oasis better known as Wilbur, WA.

We passed by more wheat fields, sage brush, and when we got closer to Davenport, there were trees again.  And clouds!

On to Spokane, and it was along busy Highway 2.  Other than traffic, it was pretty uneventful.  There was one long hill, and the last person up the hill took a picture.  There's Paul from MA, Terry from IN, and Barb (from OR).

We passed by my favorite view of the Spokane River on our way to the dorms at Gonzaga University, our "tent" site for the night.

Barb and I met Darryl, Big Rider 2008, and his wife Sheryl for dinner.  Thai food, and it was excellent!  Barb and I are not so secretly trying to convince Darryl to join us for one of the future weeks.  We'll see!

At a rest stop along the way, Barb and I met a gentleman who was asking about our trip.  Before he left us, he said, "Trains stop at a train station.  Right?  What about a work station?"

Today's ear worm of the day was "This Land is Your Land."  You're welcome.

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