Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Day 11 Townsend, MT to Ennis, MT

Last night and this morning we ate our meals at the little Wood Family Grill in tiny Townsend, MT.  We are so well fed on this trip!  All the meals have been great.  No one is going hungry.

Today's ride was absolutely beautiful.  My pictures don't do the scenery justice.

We spent most of the day on Route 287.  South of Townsend there were lots of fields, mostly wheat, I think.

North of Three Forks, there was some great art on one of the hills.  At first, I thought they were real horses!

I spent much of the day riding with Kelly, and we had a nice stop for baked goods at Wheat Montana.  Next time, not on my bike, I'll be buying souvenirs.

We entered the Madison Valley, following the Madison and Jefferson Rivers off and on, throughout the day.

There was more art, this time outside of a veterinarian's office.  I've seen more public art in Montana than anywhere!

We had a four-mile climb, and you can see Kelly riding up the hill.

At the top, the view of the Tobacco Root Mountains made me think of The Sound of Music.  It was much prettier than it shows in these pictures.

There was another steep, hot climb.  A sag vehicle drove by and I was tempted, but I kept going.  At the top I was rewarded with another amazing view of the Madison Valley.

I could also see a bit of the historic Bozeman Trail.

We're camping at Ennis High school, with beautiful views of the mountains.  My tent is the one with the towel drying on it, and in the background, you can see Scott, one of the mechanics riding my bike.  I've been having small issues with my bottom bracket.

Downtown Ennis is very cute.

Right now, as I'm finishing this blog, I'm inside my tent, and a storm is raging outside.  It's been very windy, and now it's starting to rain.  I think I should've camped in the gym tonight!!

I've decided that any ride over 70-some miles is too long!  Today's ride was 77 miles - just right.  Yesterday's was 92 -- about 20 miles too long.

So, if you want to plan a bike ride for me, remember that, please.  Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. A lot of places that sell trinkets will mail them home for you!! Or for a nominal fee lol how cool would it be to get home to a little pile of mailed memories??

    Go Diana Go!!!!
